Friday, December 9, 2011

Perky Radio Hosts

Here in the Seattle area, we are blessed with a number of excellent radio stations. During the holiday season, they play some really good Christmas music, too. Especially the local Christian radio station, KCMS. They have the best catalog of Christmas music out there. And it's much better-updated than anyone else's catalog.

My wife and I start listening to Christmas music shortly after Thanksgiving and listen to it until Christmas Day. But we can't listen to KCMS in the mornings. Their morning show hosts, Scott and Sam, are the two perkiest people on the radio.

Just listening to them is enough to induce road rage, making my commute unsafe for the rest of the world.

I'm not a morning person. I haven't discussed the evil of mornings in detail, yet, but I will. Eventually. Suffice it to say that I am not someone who deals well with mornings or morning people.  I'm groggy, cranky, unresponsive, and mostly incoherent. The last thing you want me to deal with at that time of day is a morning person.  Even one of them is too many. Two of them bouncing off of each other with inane chatter about what a wonderful day it is and how wonderful life is and how amazing the week has been ...

I don't mind listening to commercial radio. I prefer NPR, but I do listen to a few local commercial stations. I understand that you need commercials to stay in business. KCMS pushes the line of too many commercials, sometimes, though. And then, instead of tapping into that really good Christmas library, we are forced to listen to two bobbleheads jabbering at each other. Want to fit more music in? Silence the DJs.

They do the news several times during my morning commute, and Scott manages to be surprised by the exact same stories that surprised him half an hour ago. In the exact same way. And no, it's not pre-recorded. It's live. It gives the impression that Scott has a memory similar to that of several characters from 50 First Dates (one of the few Adam Sandler films I have genuinely enjoyed).

All of this instead of the previously-mentioned Christmas library just makes KCMS in the morning not worth listening to. If they were to cut the DJ time in half, I'd listen to them more.

And KCMS is not alone in this - they're just (for me) the biggest disappointment. If they only had two Christmas CDs, it'd make sense for them to have a lot of DJ jabber in the mornings. But - again - KCMS has the best library of Christmas music in the area.

It's a shame they don't use more of it.

1 comment:

  1. You might try Praise 106.5 You should be able to get it because I know I used to listen to it down in Puyallup. They also have excellent Christmas music. I don't listen in the mornings, but you could try it out and see if its a better option than Scott and Sam.
