Friday, December 2, 2011

DVDs and Blu-Ray Discs with Unskippable Ads

When I get home at night, I occasionally enjoy nothing more than popping a disc into one of our players to unwind. And, nearly every time, I have to sit through one or more commercials before I get to the menu. And these ads cannot be skipped.

It's frustrating. I want to relax and unwind - not be sold to.

It's especially annoying when the ads are completely irrelevant. When I'm watching a Blu-Ray Disc, you don't need to show me a two-minute commercial that informs me how much better Blu-Ray is than standard definition.

And - call me crazy - but aren't the anti-piracy commercials on the disc a waste of time? Because I've obviously already bought the disc, otherwise I'd be able to skip the ad telling me not to do what I clearly didn't do.

I realize that the studios want to make money - but they already have my money: I paid for the disc. And I've often seen the film in theaters.

Even more frustrating are the multiple-disc sets which have the same set of ads on each disc.  If you have to put ads on the discs, I understand the ad on Disc One. But why do I have to sit through the same ads over and over and over?  It makes me less likely to buy more discs from that publisher, and more likely to buy from their opponents.

In fact, the ads don't make me more likely to buy. They make me less likely to buy. I'm no pirate, but Amazon Instant Video, for example, doesn't make me watch commercials. And there's no frustrating packaging to deal with.

Sadly, however, not everything is available legally in a commercial-free streaming format, meaning I'm stuck sitting through these stupid and pointless commercials for products I already own.

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