Friday, July 22, 2011

Shopping for Clothes

I know I previously discussed my general dislike of shopping - let me get a bit more specific:

I dislike shopping for clothes.

I am not a small man.  I'm not grossly overweight, but I could stand to lose a few pounds.

What trips me up is my size and a handful of other issues.

I have size 11½ feet, but I need EEEE width. Very few shoe manufacturers bother making shoes that wide, and I'm very appreciative to brands that do.  I also need natural fibers or cloth uppers on the shoes - fake leather doesn't breath enough and my feet swell up dramatically. Enough so that I can't walk.  My parents used to tell the shoe clerk that I was allergic to the fake stuff just to save time and hassle.

Lots of teenagers wear size XL T-shirts. Usually, it's because they fill them. I wore size XL because my shoulders wouldn't fit anything else - the rest of me could fit into a size L just fine.  These days, I wear size XXL mostly for my shoulders (but the rest of me benefits from the added space these days).

Either way, it make shopping awkward - my frame (other than my shoulders) isn't "Big and Tall."  My shoulders won't fit anything less.

All in all, it makes shopping for clothing a frustrating activity from start to finish.

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