Friday, April 13, 2012

NPR Pledge Drives

I grew up listening to NPR. One of my earliest clear memories is of the Star Wars Radio Drama booming from Dad's old stereo. Which gives you some idea of my age, too, I guess.

I was five at the time.

When I was thirteen, I received a clock radio as a Christmas gift, and spent my evening looking for the local classical radio station (yes, I was an odd kid). I thought I'd found it - but what I'd actually found was KUOW, one of two local NPR affiliates.

At the time, they played classical music in the evenings (between about 7 and 10 pm).

When it hit 10 pm, I learned that this was NOT the station I'd thought it was. But I liked it, and I stuck with it.

In fact, I've been listening to KUOW for 23 years, now. And I love it. Don't get me wrong - I don't agree 100% with everything I hear on the station. But I think the dissenting opinion is valuable and important. And NPR does better than most news organizations at presenting a truly balanced perspective.

The problem is that NPR is underfunded. Every three months or so, they have to pause and ask for money - because it's our money that keeps them going.

I don't begrudge them the pledge beaks. They need the money. I just wish the breaks weren't necessary. I wish people would pledge without the nagging. I wish the government would give them more money.

But they don't, and so we suffer through the pledge breaks. Until the goal is met and the pledge breaks go away.

For another three months.

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