Friday, October 7, 2011


I hate reruns.

I realize that - back in the day - if you missed an episode of your favorite show, reruns were the only solution for you. Otherwise, you might never see that episode again. These days, however, there really isn't much of an excuse.

Seriously. Many (if not most) networks these days put their shows online. Legally. Either on their own website (TNT, for example) or on Hulu or Amazon Instant Video or ... there are dozens of legal places to watch TV.

A decade ago, TiVo was amazing. Now, many cable companies offer Digital Video Recorders (DVRs) that do almost exactly the same thing as TiVo. I rarely watch anything at the time it airs anymore.

I understand that actors and authors and film crews need a break. I understand the reason for a hiatus. But that doesn't mean we need reruns. Seriously. They have hundreds of unaired pilots laying around. Make the summertime Unaired Pilot Summer! Maybe they'll find a hit. At the very least, it doesn't cost much and makes use of something they already have ...

At the very least, it's better than reruns.

1 comment:

  1. Meditating on if this is a use of irony.. or if the tomatoes got into your blog.
