Friday, May 20, 2011


I don't think anyone has ever liked setting foot into a hospital. I remember a decade ago when a friend's lung collapsed. Getting in to visit him was a real pain. I had to fill out paperwork just to visit a friend.

I found out later that I was the only friend who had bothered. His only other visitors had been family. Because his friends' dislike of hospitals was greater than their like of him. Even his closest friends stayed away.

Hospitals, to us, are places filled with sick and dying people - it's how they appear on television, at any rate. And that's the image that's stuck with us.

They small funny, they serve bad food, and you end up waiting for everything. The doctors don't always tell you what you think you need to know, and they seem to have their own language.

It makes the hospital a scary and bewildering place.

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