Dungeon Twister releases for the PS3 on July 3rd. Because I'm good friends with the designer (of the board game, not of the video game), I managed to get a free copy. Early.
On a weeknight.
Unfortunately, this means that I need to be up early tomorrow. So I have to get some sleep.
Which sucks.
We waste nearly half our lives asleep. Have you ever really thought about that?
You know how there aren't enough hours in the day to do X? There probably would be, if we didn't spend so much time asleep.
I know that there are maintenance tasks that the body performs while we sleep. I know that sleep is closely tied to memory. I know that it's essential and important and blah blah blah blah blah.
But - and be honest here - if you could work for eight hours, spend eight hours with your significant other, and then spend eight hours playing games and hanging with friends, wouldn't you go for it? With little or no hesitation?
There are scientists out there working on pills that remove the need for sleep without all those nasty side-effects of sleep deprivation. I keep seeing scattered reports that they're getting close. That we're going to start winning the War with Sleep. I wouldn't be surprised if the military isn't funding a good chunk of it.
Once they have it figured out, they can sign me up.
I'm tired of wasting so much time.
I want to be able to do more than just work and spend a few brief hours with Stephanie. I want to be able to stay out late at Phoenix Games or The Airlock and then come home and spend some time actually interacting with my wife instead of just snoring at her.
I want to destroy the distinction between morning people and evening people - because those won't exist anymore. We'll all just be people. Or now people. Or we'll find new and exciting ways to divide ourselves up (my money is on this one, by the way).
But sleep and lack thereof won't be a valid excuse for anything anymore - we already don't treat it as one. Do you doubt me? Try being late to work because you slept through your alarm. See how your boss reacts.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm busy writing when I should be sleeping.
After all, I need to be functional in the morning. And that still requires sleep.
But without sleep we wouldn't dream, and sometimes that can be amazing.