Friday, February 11, 2011


This is probably not surprising, given how I dislike crowds, but I dislike parties.

If you see me at a party, I'm usually in a corner with a book (or my Kindle).

If I don't have a book out, I'm still probably not interacting with anyone unless I am directly approached. Even then, it's usual single-syllable responses until that person goes away.

Part of the reason I hate parties is because I only go to parties that I feel like I need to go to. In other words, parties which I am pressured to attend.

Usually, that pressure is internal - I have no desire to be a couch-dwelling troll, and there are some friends that I will never interact with outside of a party environment. Mind you, I usually show up early, chat for a bit, and then retreat to my corner. That's all the interaction I need most of the time.

Occasionally, other things (and people) will pressure me into attending a party. I don't even chat for a bit at most of these - I just find my corner and chill out.

Of course, I'm not that fond of corners, either.

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